The familiar look of the suitcase acquired in the middle of the 19th century. This credit goes to the French master Louis Vuitton.
It was he who made a revolution in the manufacture of suitcases, giving their walls not a convex, rounded, but a flat shape, which solved the problem of storing suitcases now it became possible to put them one on top of the other. Strictly speaking, Vuitton created a new type of suitcase, which, like a chest, kept its shape, but at the same time was made, including from soft materials.

The history of Louis Vuitton as a master of suitcase affairs began in 1835, when, as a 14-year-old teenager, he arrived in Paris and entered the service in a workshop for the manufacture of travel chests and hat boxes, where he worked for 18 years - first as an apprentice, and then as a craftsman .
Louis Vuitton's outstanding talent was recognized, and in 1853 he became the personal packer of the wife of Emperor Napoleon III, Empress Eugenie. Shortly thereafter, the accumulated experience and the status obtained allowed Vuitton to open his own workshop in Paris on the rue Neuve des Capucines. It was then that he released the first hard-sided suitcase.

It was a breakthrough in the history of suitcases - things stopped wrinkling during transportation. A little later, suitcases with flat walls, covered with cloth, appeared.
A suitcase is the main attribute of any traveling tourist and guests of our hotel are no exception. Most of our visitors, checking into hotel rooms , have suitcases and suitcases with them. We will be glad to see you at our hotel!